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What we’re offering

Transforming Lives Through Compassionate Care

At Huenink Care Clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to healthcare. We offer a range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and families in our community.

Ready to go

Community Health Evangelism

Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a wholistic ministry strategy that seamlessly integrates evangelism, discipleship, and church planting with community health and development.

Christ Centered

CHE workers strive to obey everything that Jesus commanded, including both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

Discipleship driven

Through CHE ministries, people become followers of Jesus, and whole communities are lifted out of cycles of poverty and disease.

Poverty eradication

The purpose of CHE work is not just breaking the cycle of poverty or planting churches, though both are accomplished.

Transformation of lives

The purpose of CHE ministry is a transformation in lives and communities that is as deep as the human heart, and as broad as the whole range of the human experience in the world God made.

To the glory of God

Through our work, Jesus is recognized as Lord over all creation, and our development activities bring glory to God by reflecting the depth and breadth of His Kingdom plan.


CHE is a Christ-centered educational program that equips communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change.


Lives and communities are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs.

Community Health Evangelism


A Vision Seminar is aimed at understanding the Biblical basis for CHE and basic principles of wholistic community-based development. Participants are also introduced to steps for implementing CHE and basic elements of a CHE ministry.

Internship program

We plan to launch an internship program soon to provide practical experience for aspiring CHE practitioners. Our commitment to training is evident in our first CHE team graduation in 2021, following their successful completion of TOT (Training of Trainers) levels 1, 2, and 3.

Community Health Evangelism

Disability CHE Background

The Community Health Evangelism (CHE) Disability Training represents a groundbreaking initiative designed to empower individuals globally to effectively reach out to and support those with disabilities within their own communities. Sadly, many cultural beliefs around the world perpetuate harmful and inaccurate attitudes towards people with disabilities, often attributing their conditions to factors like generational or personal sin, demon possession, or perceived curses. These deeply ingrained misconceptions lead to the isolation, devaluation, and neglect of individuals with disabilities, tragically overlooking their inherent worth and dignity as beings created in the image of God.

Our CHE Disability Training directly addresses these harmful beliefs, seeking to challenge and correct them through the lens of biblical teachings and proven CHE methodologies. The training aims to motivate participants to become agents of change, actively promoting inclusivity and creating supportive environments for people with disabilities in their communities. This comprehensive training program covers a range of essential topics, providing a well-rounded understanding of disability and its impact.

The curriculum includes in-depth exploration of the biblical perspective on disability and suffering, offering a compassionate and theologically sound framework for understanding these experiences. Participants also receive general information about disabilities, gaining a broader understanding of the diverse spectrum of conditions that exist. Furthermore, the training provides specific education on various types of disabilities, both visible and invisible, equipping participants with the knowledge necessary to interact with and support individuals with diverse needs. Practical skills are also emphasized, with training on adapting environments to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. This includes learning how to create and advocate for adaptive equipment, empowering participants to make tangible changes in their communities.

The training incorporates hands-on learning experiences, allowing participants to apply their knowledge and develop practical skills in enhancing accessibility within their communities. This experiential approach ensures that participants are not only informed but also equipped to make a real and lasting impact. By directly addressing the root causes of exclusion and actively promoting a culture of inclusivity, the CHE Disability Training strives to restore the dignity and value of individuals with disabilities. The program emphasizes the inherent worth of every individual as a beloved child of God, promoting a message of acceptance, love, and belonging. The training is designed for a broad target audience including community leaders, healthcare workers, faith-based organizations and anyone who wants to make a positive impact in the lives of people with disabilities.

CHE Core Values

Integration and Wholism

We are personally committed to complete obedience to all that Jesus commanded, including compassion for the physical needs of people as well as evangelism and discipleship. We recognize an integral relationship between the physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Our programs seek the total development of the whole person and community.  

Commitment to the Poor and Marginalized

Jesus came to preach good news to the poor. As His ambassadors we are committed to the poor and marginalized. We affirm their worth, call them to be children of God through faith in Christ, and seek to release them from brokenness and despair.

Long-Term Solutions

We concentrate our efforts on long-term solutions that break the cycle of poverty and disease. We train, equip, and empower people to do for themselves. We focus on development rather than relief, and disease prevention rather than cure.

Local Ownership and Initiative

Sustainable programs are owned by the people and built on local initiative. Ownership and initiative is demonstrated through volunteerism and strengthened through capacity building. We take time in communities to participate with the people in assessing their needs, identifying resources, and assisting them in organizing for action through training and consultation.

Participatory Learning

We believe people must be active participants in their own development. Therefore, we use methods for adult learning that engage participants in a process of reflection and action. We also believe people learn by doing, and that modeling is essential.

Multiplication and Movements

Our aim is not merely projects, but movements. This is facilitated by training people to train others using concepts that are transferable. We emphasize the use of local resources and appropriate technologies so that solutions can be passed along neighbor to neighbor. We build cooperation and vision at a community level. We work collaboratively with faith- and community-based organizations, local and international relief and development agencies, churches and missions, as well as governments to facilitate the transformation of communities and nations.

Christian Servant Leadership

Jesus is our model. We seek to imitate him in humility and love. Jesus taught that the greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all. Every leader in our organization is Christian, and each one a servant. We seek to model servant leadership in our organization and programs, and raise up leaders in every community who give sacrificially to serve the needs of the people.


Our programs will be adapted to local needs and requirements as identified by the local community.